5. Create a crontab entry that automatically runs the collect script at a set interval. Example: `*/5 * * * * cd /home/debian/weather_interface; ./collect;`.
6.`nano .env` or `vi .env` and adjust the parameters to fit your needs.
7.`npm install` - installs nodejs dependencies.
8.`npm install -g forever` - install forever to keep the server running.
9.`forever start index.js` - start the server with forever.
10. Navigate to your machines IP or domain and see if the web front-end is visible on the port you defined in `.env`.
5.`cd` into ~/weather_interface/vproweather and use the `make` command to build the program.
6. Create a crontab entry that automatically runs the collect script at a set interval. Example: `*/5 * * * * cd /home/debian/weather_interface; ./collect;`.
7.`nano .env` or `vi .env` and adjust the parameters to fit your needs.
8.`npm install` - installs nodejs dependencies.
9.`npm install -g forever` - install forever to keep the server running.
10.`forever start index.js` - start the server with forever.
11. Navigate to your machines IP or domain and see if the web front-end is visible on the port you defined in `.env`.
## Additional Setup
These things arent required for functionality, but will make the beaglebone much more stable in the long term.