- Jun 06, 2016
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Sensor values are now updated on the screen even if streaming or sample button isn't pressed. The Bluetooth Sensors are updated every 1 second. Writing to the database with different logging intervals works again.
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Kristin Muterspaw authored
SensorSampleService gets updated site, sector or spot from SensorSampleActivity if the user changes it while bound to the service. Streaming button pulses when Field Day is streaming and writing to the database.
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Font, cursor and activated edit text for database actions activity is now more visible. Removed BluetoothSensorFragment and BuiltinSensorsFragment since we don't need it anymore.
- Jun 03, 2016
Kristin Muterspaw authored
SensorSampleActivity nows uses SensorSampleService to do all communication with the sensors and writing to the database. If it's a sample then the Service is started, contacts the sensor, writes to the database once, and then the service is told to stop sampling. If it's streaming, then a handler is started to continuously contact and write to the database. The Service now uses a 'Wake Lock' which means the CPU stays on even if the screen is off. Can stream with screen off now.
- May 27, 2016
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Fixed the bug where Field Day would crash on 'Note Book' if the root directory didn't exist or have files in it.
Kristin Muterspaw authored
- May 26, 2016
Kristin Muterspaw authored
In My Documents activity, when an item is pressed, Field Day checks whether it's a directory or file. If it's a directory, then the list of files is replaced with the file in the selected directory and the parent directory of that one so the user can go back if they want. If it's a file, it opens My Document Viewer and displays the file. PDFs are rendered as bitmaps in Android, so those are handled separately than text files. My Document Viewer currently only works for PDFs. PDF is rendered!
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Kristin Muterspaw authored
NotePad opens the 'My Documents' activity. Again, these icons will change, currently just adding the functionality. On My Documents activity, there's a button to download files and asks the user to input the url and base directory path. These directories must be publicly accessible and have indexing enabled. Field Day retrieves a list of files in the base directory path and displays them to the user in an AlertDialog as a multi-check list. If the user clicks on an item that is also a directory, then that task of looking for files is basically executed again using that different path. Once the user has selected all of the file to download, Field Day downloads them one by one, creating local filesystem to match the remote one, all under 'myDocuments' in the external storage directory for Field Day. After downloading, the list of files is displayed to the user -- if it's a folder, a folder icon is shown next to the name, if it's a file, a file icon is shown next to the name. Testing and working with https://cluster.earlham.edu/~buzzlightyear/pdfs/. Opened the downloaded files in the an external file application on the Nexus to check and the Pdfs were downloaded.
- May 25, 2016
Kristin Muterspaw authored
'NotePad' under 'Lab Notebook' opens the activity that will be used for downloading and opening pdfs from a remote server. The icons will change eventually, but since NotePad was already there, I used that for initial code. Inside that activity there's a button that says 'Download Files' that opens a popup asking for the URL and path of the directory. The activity goes out and gets a list of files from that directory on the remote machine (Indexing must be enabling by the web server on the remote machine). The activity shows a multi-select interface where the user can choose which files or folders to download. Checking the boxes and hitting 'Download' doesn't actually do anything right now.
- May 23, 2016
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Kristin Muterspaw authored
- May 19, 2016
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Google Drive Connectivity in Lab Notebook -> Google Drive icon. Field Day asks for permission to access stuff created by Field Day. On start it connects to the drive account and queries all of the files and folders in root drive directory that were created by Field Day if any exists. There are two buttons: Create File and Create Folder. The both work and ask for the user to input the name of the file or folder they want. It currently only creates them in the root directory. After creating, Field Day refreshes the list of objects in drive.
- May 18, 2016
Kristin Muterspaw authored
New 'Drive' option under 'Lab Notebook.' It successfully asks for permission to access drive, but nothing more than that right now.
Kristin Muterspaw authored
New button in 'Sampling' -> 'Database Actions' that allows the user to clean the local database. If this button is pressed, it confirms that the user what's to clear the database. A backup copy is saved in the external storage: /storage/emulated/0/FieldDay/archive/<date>-readings.db, and all of the local tables are dropped and re-created. These methods are also called upon successfully uploaded tables to the remote database.
Kristin Muterspaw authored
'Sampling' -> 'Database Actions' has two buttons, one for uploading and one for setting up local database. Upon clicking 'Upload' Field Day goes out inserts the spots, making sure that the (trip, site, sector, spot) primary key isn't broken on the remote database. After uploading spots, readings are uploaded and then streaming. Field Day uses a transaction by setting 'autoCommit' to false. If any SQLException is caught during this process then the transaction is rolled back. Tested with sampling 'Built In' sensor data, all rows appear in the database on hopper.
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Moved the 'Remote Database Setup' from the Settings Fragment to 'Database Actions' under 'Sampling' -> 'Database Actions.'
- May 17, 2016
Kristin Muterspaw authored
New 'Database Actions' icon under the 'Sampling' icon. In the database activity, the user will be able to choose between uploading database tables or setting up the local database from a remote database. Field Day remembers the user's database information until a fresh install.
- May 16, 2016
Kristin Muterspaw authored
There's now a landscape layout for many of the layouts when the device is in landscape mode. It's currently only for 7 inch screens. Plan to make compatible icons and layouts for smaller screens at some point down the road.
Kristin Muterspaw authored
A toast is shown if the user tries to write to the database without connecting to a remote db. Something more complex could be done but it is ok for now.
Kristin Muterspaw authored
If one of the buttons ('Bluetooth Sensor' or 'Built-In Sensors') is pressed and the user hasn't connected to a remote database then an AlertDialog is shown mentioning so. The Dialog gives the option of connecting to a database or just continuing. It also mentions that if they continue then they can't record anything (that's next to be implemented).
- May 13, 2016
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Fixed writing to external storage problem. Now, it does it step by step. Checks if the directory exists, if it doesn't it creates it. Creates the external file. And writes to it.
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Kristin Muterspaw authored
If the user selects 'sample' button then Field Day tries to insert the spot selected. If the spot already exists with the trip id, sector id, and site id, then it doesn't write to the database and tells the user that that site already exists. Confirmation toast upon successfully writing to the fieldday_reading table in the database. Fixed the problem where, if the bluetooth sensor was sitting for a little while without interaction, Field Day would list the sensors again below the current list.
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Stream button works for built in sensors now. I've given every android available sensor a sensorID that looks like 'and' with a number on the end from 'and1' -> 'and19'. They are also in the database. The platform name is 'Android' and the platform type is 'Built In'
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Data model works with reading button, only for Bluetooth sensors. Spot is an edit text field field where the user can only select a number. If the users tries to collect a sample and there's not spot number then Field Day shows a toast and doesn't take a reading. The user should push reread sensor before taking read.
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Field Day now works with the new data model, but only for streaming mode and bluetooth devices. Sample mode will come when spot selection is implemented. When the user gets information from a remote database, it keeps the name of the trip selected until the user completely uninstalls the app or reconnects to the database again. The bluetooth devices send "SensorType,SensorID,<Value or Units>" when it talks to Field Day, since there can be two sensors on the same platform that are the same type. sensorID is what distinguishes them. The bluetooth devices don't actually do any quality yet, right now it's just set to 0.
- May 12, 2016
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Selecting trip when setting up database from remote database uses tripID instead of tripName now since only fieldday_trip has tripName, everything else uses tripID.
Kristin Muterspaw authored
In setting up the schema from a remote database, Field Day first searches for all of the available trips and asks the user to select one or select no trip. If trip is selected, Field Day only retrieves rows from tables that have the column 'tripName' and are equal to the trip name selected by the user.
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Reread button only on the fragment for bluetooth sensor, since it won't be needed for built in sensors. Got rid of unused files and images. Buttons are grayed out if they are not usable yet. For example: reread, sample and stream are not available on bluetooth sensors until the sensor is connected and the first value is read. After reading the first value, the buttons are turned to their normal color and set as clickable.
- May 11, 2016
Kristin Muterspaw authored
increased default text size of the take a sample activity. new buttons for stream, sample, export and reread. reread and sample don't actually do anything yet.
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Connect remote database schema gets tables and rows, stores them in local sqlite database. SensorSampleActivity creates a list of sites and sectors from the data that was taken from the remote database and creates a drop down list to choose from under Take a Sample.
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Database queries to remote database are now stored in sqlite database on device. This is accessed from Settings -> Connect Remote Database Schema. These include sites and sectors that will be used as drop downs in the sampling part.
Kristin Muterspaw authored
postgresql.jar to use with JDBC and connecting to remote database. Able to connect and read columns and rows from the remote database, tested with field_science database on hopper. The values aren't stored yet, that will be the next thing implemented.
- May 05, 2016
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Settings option to 'Connect to remote database'. This opens a new activity where the user inputs server ip, database name, username and password, etc (everything that is needed to connect to the database using the jdbc driver) to connect to the remote database for the schemas and rows in the tables. Doesn't actually do the connecting yet, this is just a layout page with some edit texts. It's not pretty, that will come after it's working.
Kristin Muterspaw authored
Removed unused items in the settings screen. Added permission for internet -- that will be needed when we talk to the server or database.