***Ctrl + A**: moves cursor to the beginning of the line
***Ctrl + E**: moves cursor to the end of the line
*`$ echo <something>`: returns whatever you type at the shell prompt, similar to `print()` .
*`$ date`: displays the current time and date.
*`$ clear` or **Ctrl + L**: clears the terminal
* Common shorthand:
*`.`: (current) working directory
*`..`: parent of the working directory
*`../..`: grandparent of the working directory
*`~`: home directory
*`$ pwd`: prints working directory
*`$ ls`: lists the contents of the working directory
*`$ ls <particular-directory>` : lists the contents of a particular directory.
*`$ ls -a`: lists all the hidden objects in a directory
*`$ ls -l`: prints out a longer and more detailed listing of the contents.
*`$ ls <pattern` : lists all the objects matching the given pattern (see **Regular expressions**).
*`$ cd <to-directory>`: jumps to the given directory
*`$ mkdir <new-directory>`: makes a new directory
*`$ mv <things-to-move> <new-location>`: move objects to a given location. It can also be used to rename objects. In that case, the `<new-location>` will be the new name.
*`$ touch <new-file-name>`: creates a new file
*`$ rm <file-name>`: removes a file
*`$ rm *`: removes all files in the working directory.
*`$ rm -r *`: removes all files in the working directory and its children directories (`-r` stands for "recursively").
*`$ rmdir <empty-directory>`: removes an empty directory. By default, a directory cannot be removed unless it has been emptied.
*`$ cat <file1> <file2> <...>`: reads and outputs the entire content of the given file(s).
*`$ less <file-name>`: views the content of the given file, one screen at a time. Press:
***Spacebar** : to go to the next screen
***b**: to go to the previous screen
***/**: to search for a specific word
***q**: quit
*`$ man <command>`: displays the manual for the given command
*`$ man bash`: displays the entire manual
## History
***Up Arrow** or **Ctrl+P**: goes to the previous command(s) in your history.
***Down Arrow** or **Ctrl+N**: goes to the next command(s) in your history.
***Ctrl+R**: recalls the last command matching the characters you provide. Press this shortcut and start typing to search your bash history for a command.
***Ctrl+O**: Run the command you found with Ctrl+R.
***Ctrl+G**: Leave the history searching mode without running a command.
*`$ history`: prints your entire bash history to the screen
## Regular Expressions
*`*`: wildcard to match any other character within a given pattern.
* Example: `$ ls 5*.txt` lists all `.txt` files whose names start with the number 5.
*`X*`: matches zero or more of `X`
`X+`: matches one or more of `X`
`X?`: matches zero or one of `X`
`X{3, 5}`: matches from 3 to 5 of `X`
*`[0-9]`: matches any digit
`[a-z]`: matches any lowercase letter
`[A-Z]`: matches any uppercase letter
`[a-zA-Z]`: matches any letter
*`(<group>)`: declares a group
* Example: `([a-z]+)@([a-z]+).com`
*`^`: signifies the beginning of the line
`$`: signifies the end of the line
*`$ egrep '<pattern>' <file1> [file2]`: prints any line from a file that contains a specific pattern of characters.
* Example: `$ egrep '([a-z]+)12([a-z]+)' doc.txt` prints the lines from `doc.txt` which include the number 12 with at least one character on both sides.
*`$ egrep -w '<pattern>' *`: only searches for whole words in all the files of the current directory.
*`$ egrep -i '<pattern>' <file1>`: makes the search case-insensitive.
*`$ egrep -c '<pattern>' <file1>`: counts the number of matches.
*`$ egrep -v '<pattern>' <file1>`: excludes the lines that match the given pattern.
## Pipes and Redirection
*`$ command1 | command2`: sends the output of one command as input to another command
* Example: `$ cat document.txt | wc -l` returns the number of lines in `document.txt`.
*`$ command > file-name`: saves the output of one command to the given file.
* Example: `$ cat document.txt | wc -l > lines-count.dat` writes the number of lines of `documents.txt` to `lines-count.dat`.
**Notice** that the file will be overwritten.
*`$ command < file-name`: sends the given file as input to the command.
* Example: `$ cat < documents.txt` is the same as `$ cat document.txt`.
## Bash Scripting
* Variables:
echo"Hi $name"
echo"Hey ${name}!"
echo${name/J/j}#=> "john" (substitution)
echo${name:0:2}#=> "Jo" (slicing)
echo${name::2}#=> "Jo" (slicing)
echo${name::-1}#=> "Joh" (slicing)
echo${name:(-1)}#=> "n" (slicing from right)
echo${name:(-2):1}#=> "h" (slicing from right)
echo${food:-Cake}#=> $food or "Cake"
echo${emoji#*h}#=> "aha" (dropping substr from start of string up to 1st occurrence)
echo${emoji##*h}#=> "a" (dropping substr from start of string up to last occurrence)
echo${emoji%h*}#=> "ha" (dropping substr from last occurrence to end of string)
echo${var%%a*}#=> "h" (dropping substr from first occurrence to end of string)
* For loop: `for <...>; do <command1>; [<command2>;] done`
*`for char in a b c x y z; do echo $char; done`
*`for filename in *.dat; do echo $filename; done`
*`for i in {1..100}; do echo $RANDOM; done | cat -n > file`: makes a file with 100 random numbers
* You can write and store a script in a file with the `.sh` extension. To make the script executable: `$ chmod +x <script-file-name>`. You can then run it with the syntax: `$ ./<script-file-name>`. The more general syntax to run a script is: `$ /path/to/script.sh`.
## Job Control
* On the shell, multiple processes can be joined together into a pipeline, where each process's output becomes the next process's input. A pipeline created this way is a single job even though it contains multiple processes. So think of a job as a process group. Notice that a job may contain only one single process. (credit to [Brian Bi](https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-jobs-and-processes-on-Unix))
* To list all the current active jobs: `$ jobs [-l]`.
To list the currently running processes: `$ ps`.
* To run a command in the background, add the `&` symbol: `$ <command> &`
To keep a process running after the shell exits: `$ nohup <command> &`
Both the commands above print out the shell job ID (in brackets) and the process ID (PID), e.g. `[1] 25177`.
* To send foreground jobs to the background: `$ bg %jobID_1 [%jobID_2]`. You can replace the job ID with the command string or use the PID directly (the `%` symbol is not needed): `$ bg PID_1` .
To `fg` command is used similarly to bring background jobs to the foreground.
## Module
*`$ module list`: lists currently loaded modules
*`$ module avail`: lists available packages
*`$ module load <module-file>`: loads module or specifies which dependencies have not been loaded.
* E.g. `$ module load python/3.6`
*`$ module unload <module-file>`: unloads the specified module from the environment.
*`$ module purge`: unloads all loaded modules.
## Miscellaneous
*`$ tar -czvf archive-name.tar.gz /path/to/dir-or-file`: compresses an entire directory or a single file.
`$ tar -xzvf archive-name.tar.gz`: extracts an archive.
*`$ diff <file1> <file2>`: finds the differences between the two files.