# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Sep  5 14:09:29 2020

@author: josep

import discord
from discord.ext import commands, tasks
import smtplib, ssl
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from random import random
from asyncio import create_task, sleep, run

from PublicChannel import PubChanSuite, PublicChan
from ClubChannel import ClubSuite, Club
from restrictedchannel import RestrictChan, RestrictChanSuite
from handles import User, ECMember, ECStudent, ECFaculty, Organizer, Convener, Admin, SuperAdmin
from rssfeedtest import get_today_at_earlham
import json

def get_member_by_discord_name(guild, discord_name):
    for member in guild.members:
        if member.name + "#" + member.discriminator == discord_name:
            return member
    return False

def is_auth(channel, auth_channel_name):
    return channel.name == auth_channel_name
    #for channel in guild.text_channels:
    #    if channel.name == auth_channel_name:
    #        return channel
    #return False

auth_channel = 'auth'
domain_dest = '@earlham.edu'
with open('../../../ECHackersBotCreds/credentials.json') as file:
    credentials = json.load(file)

student_role_name = 'ECStudent'
faculty_role_name = 'ECFaculty'
general_user_role_names = [student_role_name, faculty_role_name]
account_password = credentials['email_password']
clubs = []
users = []

#client = discord.Client()
client = commands.Bot('!')  

async def make_new_member(member):
    new_member = User(member.guild, member)
    await new_member._init(authChannel=auth_channel)
    return new_member

# I need a var section big time so i can call for updates
async def update_today_at_schools():
        print('invoked update functionm')
        for guild in client.guilds:
            print('searching guild:', guild.name)
            today_at_school = None
            today_at_virtual_school = None
            virtual_annoucements, local_annoucements = get_today_at_earlham()
            for channel in guild.channels:
                print('\t', channel.name == 'today-at-earlham', channel.name == 'today-at-remote-earlham')
                if channel.name == 'today-at-earlham':
                    await channel.send('Today at Earlham ' + str(datetime.today()) + ': \n\n')
                    for annoucement in local_annoucements:
                        await channel.send(annoucement)
                elif channel.name == 'today-at-remote-earlham':
                    await channel.send('Today at Remote Earlham ' + str(datetime.today()) + ': \n\n')
                    for annoucement in virtual_annoucements:
                        await channel.send(annoucement)
async def before_update_today_at_schools():
    print('started update before loop')
    hour = 8
    minute = 5
    await client.wait_until_ready()
    now = datetime.now()
    future = datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day, hour, minute, 0)
    #future = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=5)
    print(now.hour, hour, now.minute, minute, now.hour >= hour, now.minute > minute)
    if now.hour >= hour and now.minute > minute:
        print('adding a day')
        future += timedelta(days=1)
        print('added a day')
    print((future - now).seconds)
    print('sleeping for (s): ', (future-now).seconds)
    await sleep((future-now).seconds)
async def on_member_join(member):
    await make_new_member(member)

async def on_message(message):
    if message.author == client.user:
    #await message.channel.send('received', delete_after=3)
    # Is it a command? if it's not a command, ignore. Otherwise, proceed.
    content = message.content.lower()
    if content.startswith('!'):
        Check if channel is server's auth channel. If so, allow auth commands.
            maybe_auth = is_auth(message.channel, auth_channel)#''' This will break the program later. message.channel can be a DM channel. find a way to make it so that that wont break the channel'''
            print('could not find auth channel')
        print('got auth channel: ' + str(maybe_auth))
        if maybe_auth:
            # Get the user to do auth stuff with
            auth_user = None
            for user in users:
                if user._member.id == message.author.id:
                    auth_user = user
            if auth_user == None:
                print("Failed to find user: " + message.author.name + ". Making new one")
                auth_user = await make_new_member(get_member_by_discord_name(message.channel.guild, message.author.name + "#" + message.author.discriminator))

            print('made it to auth commands')
            #killer = create_task(kill_after_n(3, message)) # messages in this channel expire after 3 seconds
            if content.startswith('!auth'): # this allows users to put in their codes
                if await auth_user.authenticate(content[len('!auth '):].upper(), student_role_name, faculty_role_name) == True:
                    await message.channel.send('Authenticatoin succeeded... Moved you to the full discord. Look at all channels for information!', delete_after = 5)
                    await message.channel.send('Authentication failed... ' + content[len('!auth '):] + ' is not the correct auth code', delete_after = 3)
            else: #anything else is ![prefix] which files an email attempt
                if '@' in content:
                    content = content[:content.index('@')]
                print('sent email to ' + content[len('!'):])
                auth_user.send_auth_email_to_addr(content[len('!'):], domain_dest,send_account_email, account_password)
                await message.channel.send('Send auth code to: ' + content[len('!'):] + '@earlham.edu', delete_after = 3)
            await message.delete(delay=3)
        Check if the channel mentioned is a cli for a pubchan. If so, perform pubchan commands.
            is_admin = message.channel.name == 'admin'
            #maybe_pubchan = PubChanSuite.is_cli(PubChanSuite.get_all_pubchans(message.channel.guild, message.channel))
            is_admin = False
        if is_admin:
            moderator commands go here
            # Add, remove hangout spaces
            if content.startswith('!addpubchan'):
                clubName = content[len('!addpubchan '):].upper()
                clubs = list(PubChanSuite.get_all_pubchans(message.channel.guild))
                # make sure we're not making a duplicate club
                for i in range(len(clubs)):
                    clubs[i] = clubs[i].name
                if clubName in clubs:
                    await message.channel.send('Sorry, that pubchan name is already taken. try a different one?', delete_after = 5)
                # and make the club if not a duplicate
                newClub = PublicChan(message.guild, message.author, clubName)
                await newClub._init(general_user_role_names)
            Restricted Channel commands go here
            if content.startswith('!addrestrictedchan'):
                clubName = content[len('!addrestrictedchan '):].upper()
                clubs = list(RestrictChanSuite.get_all_restrictchans(message.channel.guild))
                # make sure we're not making a duplicate club
                for i in range(len(clubs)):
                    clubs[i] = clubs[i].name
                if clubName in clubs:
                    await message.channel.send('Sorry, that restrictedchannel name is already taken. try a different one?', delete_after = 5)
                # and make the club if not a duplicate
                newClub = RestrictChan(message.guild, message.author, clubName)
                await newClub._init()
        Check if the channel mentioned is a cli for a club. if so, perform club commands.
        # try catch around this boy
        if await ClubSuite.process_commands(message):
            await message.channel.send('Succeeded...', delete_after=3)
        if content.startswith('!makeclub'):
            clubName = content[len('!makeclub '):].upper()
            clubName = clubName.replace(' ', '-')
            clubs = list(ClubSuite.get_all_clubs(message.channel.guild))
            # make sure we're not making a duplicate club
            for i in range(len(clubs)):
                clubs[i] = clubs[i].name.upper()
            if clubName in clubs:
                await message.channel.send('Sorry, that clubname is already taken. try a different one?', delete_after = 5)
            # and make the club if not a duplicate
            newClub = Club(message.guild, message.author, clubName)
            await newClub._init()
        elif content.startswith('!joinclub'):
            target = ('c-' + content[len('!joinclub '):]).upper().replace(' ','-')
            print('registered joinclub for' + target)
            target_club = ClubSuite.get_club(ClubSuite.get_all_clubs(message.channel.guild), target)
            await ClubSuite.add_member(target_club, message.author)

            # Find club category
            # if there is a role called category [member], add the person to the role]
        elif content.startswith('!leaveclub'):
            target = ('c-' + content[len('!leaveclub '):]).upper().replace(' ','-')
            print('registered leaveclub for' + target)
            target_club = ClubSuite.get_club(ClubSuite.get_all_clubs(message.channel.guild), target)
            await ClubSuite.kick_member(target_club, message.author)
        elif content.startswith('!MAKESTUDENT'):
            student = ECStudent(get_member_by_discord_name(message.channel.guild, content[len('!MAKESTUDENT '):]))
            await student._init(role_name=student_role_name)
        elif content.startswith('!clublist'):
            clubs = ClubSuite.get_all_clubs(message.channel.guild)
            send_text = 'The clubs in ' + message.channel.guild.name + ' are: \n\t'
            for club in clubs:
                send_text += club.name[2:] + '\n\t'
            await message.channel.send(send_text)
        elif content.startswith('!examples'):
            commands = ['!clublist\n\t\t - lists all clubs in ' + message.channel.guild.name,
                        '!joinclub ECHackers\n\t\t - Joins the ECHackers Club',
                        '!leaveclub ECHackers\n\t\t - Leaves the ECHackers Club',
                        '!makeclub JelloLicking\n\t\t - Makes the JelloLicking club',
                        '!admin\n\t\t - (does nothing now) Opens a channel with you and admins', 
                        '!report person reason\n\t\t - (does nothing now) Sends a report on a person to an admin or club convener.',
                        '!addtextchannel Problems-with-admin Friend-Houses\n\t\t - Adds the Friend-Houses text channel to Problems-with-admin',
                        '!removetextchannel Problems-with-admin Friend-Houses\n\t\t - Removes the Friend-Houses text channel from Problems-with-admin (if you made it)',
                        '!addvoicechannel Problems-with-admin Friend-Houses\n\t\t - Adds the Friend-Houses voice channel to Problems-with-admin',
                        '!removevoicechannel Problems-with-admin Friend-Houses\n\t\t - Removes the Friend-Houses voice channel from Problems-with-admin (if you made it)',]
            send_text = 'Examples of commands ' + message.channel.guild.name + ' are (In order):\n\t'
            for command in commands:
                send_text += command + '\n\t'
            await message.channel.send(send_text)
        elif content.startswith('!help') or content.startswith('!ocommands') or content.startswith('!ccommands') or content.startswith('!rcommands'):
            commands = ['!clublist\n\t\t - Lists all clubs in ' + message.channel.guild.name, '!describeclub Clubname\n\t\t - Gives a Clubname\'s self-provided description', '!joinclub Clubname\n\t\t - Joins the club Clubname', '!leaveclub\n\t\t - Leaves a server\'s club',
                        '!makeclub Clubname\n\t\t - Makes the club Clubname','!admin\n\t\t - Opens a channel with you and admins', '!report person reason\n\t\t - Sends a report on a person to an admin or club convener.',
                        '!addtextchannel The-name-of-the-public-category The-new-channel\'s-name\n\t\t - Adds a new public text channel in a category', 
                        '!removetextchannel The-name-of-the-public-category The-new-channel\'s-name\n\t\t - Removes the public text channel YOU MADE from the category. Doesn\'t work for other people\'s channels',
                        '!addvoicechannel The-name-of-the-public-category The-new-channel\'s-name\n\t\t - Adds a new public voice channel in a category', 
                        '!removevoicechannel The-name-of-the-public-category The-new-channel\'s-name\n\t\t - Removes the public voice channel YOU MADE from the category. Doesn\'t work for other people\'s channels',]
            send_text = '[WIP] Commands in ' + message.channel.guild.name + ' are:\n\t'
            for command in commands:
                send_text += command + '\n\t'
            await message.channel.send(send_text)
        elif content.startswith('!admin'):
            await message.channel.send('not yet implemented...')
            raise NotImplementedError()
        elif content.startswith('!report'):
            await message.channel.send('not yet implemented...')
            raise NotImplementedError()
        elif content.startswith('!whatcanido'):
            options = '''\n    -Have constructive conversations about topics you\'re passionate about
                - Play games with people you know and love from Earlham
                - Host Spaces for your friends to hang out with other people
                - Learn more about whats happening on Earlham\'s campus digitally
                - Do 24/7 options for meeting and greeting other Earlham Students
                - Connect with the Earlham Community 
                - And much much more!'''
            await message.channel.send('What can you do? You can:' + options)
        elif content.startswith('!whatwaycanidoit'):
            options = '''\n    - Click a text channel in the side bar to have a conversation
                - Click voice channel in the side bar to have a face to face conversation and/or share screens!
                - do !ocommands for ways to hang out with your Earlham friends
                - do !ccommands for ways to join, make, and interact with clubs in other ways
                - do !rcommands for ways to share your voice on impactful topics and do difference making!
                - do !help for general other commands, and !examples for how to use them
            await message.channel.send('What ways can do you things? You can:' + options)
        # Try to process remaining commands as hangoutspace commands:
        if await PubChanSuite.process_commands(message):
            await message.channel.send('Succeeded... ', delete_after = 3);return
        # or as restricted suite petitions
        if await RestrictChanSuite.process_commands(message):
            await message.channel.send('Succeeded... ', delete_after = 3)
        await message.channel.send('Sorry. We didn\'t process your command. Will you check for typos or ask for help and try again?', delete_after=10)
            maybe_auth = is_auth(message.channel, auth_channel)#''' This will break the program later. message.channel can be a DM channel. find a way to make it so that that wont break the channel'''
            print('could not find auth channel')
        if maybe_auth:
            await message.delete(delay=3)
    # Check if a message comes in from a CLI channel. 
    #   if in a CLI channel, 
        # is it an admin channel?
        # is it a convener channel?
        # is it a ____ channel?
        #Process according to context.
    # Check if the message is a general command. Process accordingly.
    # moderation
    # policing
# Down the line:
# In meet & greet lobbies, link to games, shows, 
# and movies after 15 min of people talking.
# We NEED to be able to host remote events. Convocation, Speaker events, and more